Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I want to recommend a wonderful blog for readers: FOR THE LOVE: Melissa, lawyer, homemaker, and avid reader lists her favorites for 2010.

I love that she said: "I've read by the pool, at the gym, in bed at night and in the hammock in the yard. I read the books I wanted to read. Not the book that would make me look like a cultured smarty-pants to passers-by at the hotel pool or the latest novel to receive a glowing review from the New York Times so I could chat about it at a cocktail party. (We've all done this, right?)"

A book is an investment of time. And that's all we have. How do you choose a book? Where do you like to read?

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Boxing the Octopus

The excellent publishing blog: BOXING THE OCTOPUS posted a #BuyThisBook blog and the book they chose was The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc.

What intelligent readers. I added a new quote to the Southern Belle's Handbook:

"Writing is easy. Only writing well is hard."